Forms are Fundamental


Sub-atomic particles are a substrate, a means to ends. The ends are the Platonic Forms which represent the will of a monad. The will is descriptive of desired Forms. Thus, forms are the fundamental building blocks of the universe. It is a mistake to assume that scale, or simplicity is necessarily correlated with fundamentalism. If…


Pi-Graph Theory


All subjects (particles) in the universe must witness a consolidation of events. While the qualitative representation (qualia) of the universe may differ between subjects, they must be quantitatively equivalent so to ensure all subjects are within the same universe. All energy is a displacement of time. That is, all changes in energy (forces) are the…


New Zealand Earthquake Predictions


Based on mundane astrological theory, transits and progressions from natal charts should be able to predict events such as earthquakes. Here I’ve analysed the positions of planets against sidereal and tropical reference points to identify points of interest that are associated with significant New Zealand earthquakes. While the underlying mechanism of these planetary bodies being…


I In The Atlantic


A purposely cryptic description of a potential model for electromagnetism which integrates the implications of a variable π. Alone in Atlantic under a dome of eyes,Spun to measure the dome upon my heel.I turned the entire cosmos!I was astonished for the firmament repeats! Yet,Finite was the distance of my turning. The Watchers of Libra judged…


A Proof of Polignac’s Conjecture and Infinite Twin Primes


Polignac’s Conjecture, and the Twin Prime Conjecture are widely considered to remain unproven since first proposed in 1849. We provide a proof of the conjectures by defining a prime in terms of its lack of divisibility and express the probability of its occurrence based on its indivisibility. Inadvertently, a more generalised form of Polignac’s Conjecture…


Prime Sequences


Given a prime P(m): Example: For P(m) = 11,


A Generalised Form of Goldbach’s Conjecture


Goldbach’s conjecture states that: Every even integer greater than can be expressed as the sum of two prime numbers. It’s apparent that the recurring theme of is expressed thrice in this statement for good reason: they are related. Even refers to divisibility by . So, suppose we could extend this to any arbitrary divisibility and…


Prime Potential Density Function


Consider that primes are the dissonant instances within harmonic sets of those dissonant instances. That is, the nth prime begins a harmonic set across . Suppose: the positive integer set, is the prime number set, is the nth prime, and where is a prime number, and is the set of all products of in .…


T. E. Lawrence in Afghanistan


T. E. Lawrence in Afghanistan.The British legend whom led a maverick expedition of Maccabean proportions; helped coordinate a pivotal Arab uprising against the Ottoman Empire. Oil on Canvas. 5 colour palette.


Ethics & Entities: The Foundation of Ethics for the Conduct of Entities


Entities can be optimised according to the governing quality of their entity scope and can better promote their ultimate prevalence, if not perpetuity. All sub-entities that exists within the entity should be optimised for the prevalence of the super-entity. It may seem that the welfare of a sub-entity should at times, take precedence. This cannot…
