

The real numbers we are so accustomed to (ℝ) extends from -∞ to +∞. However, it is overlooked that real numbers subtly have 2 components: a natural (ℕ) number component {0, …, ∞}; and a direction (the positivity or negativity of the absolute number). Numbers vs Quantities There is a subtle but profound difference between Vectors

A Proof of Polignac’s Conjecture and Infinite Twin Primes

Polignac’s Conjecture, and the Twin Prime Conjecture are widely considered to remain unproven since first proposed in 1849. We provide a proof of the conjectures by defining a prime in terms of its lack of divisibility and express the probability of its occurrence based on its indivisibility. Inadvertently, a more generalised form of Polignac’s Conjecture A Proof of Polignac’s Conjecture and Infinite Twin Primes