
Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram


The Golden Dawn methodology for the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (LRP). Adjustments to the casting of the Pentagram can be made for invoking (LIRP) and banishing (LBRP): The Qabalistic Cross Casting the Pentagram


How to Memorise the Tarot Cards Easily


Learning Tarot is like learning a language. In phonetic languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, etc. it is necessary to first learn the alphabet. Only after the alphabet is memorised can words and sentences be constructed. The cards are Tarot’s alphabet. Therefore, the first step in learning to conduct a Tarot reading is…


New Zealand Earthquake Predictions


Based on mundane astrological theory, transits and progressions from natal charts should be able to predict events such as earthquakes. Here I’ve analysed the positions of planets against sidereal and tropical reference points to identify points of interest that are associated with significant New Zealand earthquakes. While the underlying mechanism of these planetary bodies being…
