Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram


The Golden Dawn methodology for the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (LRP). Adjustments to the casting of the Pentagram can be made for invoking (LIRP) and banishing (LBRP): The Qabalistic Cross Casting the Pentagram


A Prayer


The human experience is turmoil and struggle,a self referential process that bears only the weight of itself,the need to understand itself. In an endless self referential process of understanding understanding;of trying to understand this moment which has just passed and is no longer.At the end, if any, is a bedrock of truth that transcends the…


Distance is an Epiphenomena of Matter Waves


The spatial dimensions are often taken for granted, with matter waves assumed to be propagating “within” space. It is already widely accepted that mundane effects of atomic structures and chemistry are the products of Matter Waves as governed by the Schrödinger Equation. However, it is also widely accepted that exotic effects of reflection, refraction are…


How to Memorise the Tarot Cards Easily


Learning Tarot is like learning a language. In phonetic languages such as English, French, German, Spanish, Russian, etc. it is necessary to first learn the alphabet. Only after the alphabet is memorised can words and sentences be constructed. The cards are Tarot’s alphabet. Therefore, the first step in learning to conduct a Tarot reading is…


The Heptarchia Mystica

A Modern English Rendering


The whole world revolves in sevens, and all things that are born, live, and grow. Indeed, the first-born Princes of the Angels (whose power is greatest), are seven. Clement of Alexandria, Stromata Book 6 Chapter XVI Received by Dr. John Dee & Edward Kelley by the Provision of AngelsEstablished by the Laws of God &…


Liber Loagaeth

Liber Mysteriorum Sextus et Sanctus


Few complete publications of the Liber Loagaeth exist, especially those with legible tables. Those that exist are in archaic formats. I thought to compile, normalise, and publish here in the most accessible format. Lines are given for each new leaf. Credit: Ana Sofia Peixoto Antão Sousa Dias, Dr John Dee, Edward Kelly, and all parties…


8-Bit Computer with Novel Integrated Memory Architecture


I’ve designed an 8-bit computer uses memory similar to x86 systems but instructions are assigned to cells which proceed to manipulate the data on reception of it. This integrates processing as a function of memory. It uses only one hard instruction that corresponds to x86 mov. The Pilot cell (PLT) acts as the x86’s equivalent…


Unification of Spacial Dimensions Theory


While the nature of mass and quantum spin is appreciably mystifying, the nature of spacial dimension itself is taken for granted. We intuitively use Descartes’ Cartesian-coordinates to represent spacial quality with 3-axes. This should beg the question however, as to why there appears to be 3 spacial qualities. Why not 2, or 4? It could…




The real numbers we are so accustomed to (ℝ) extends from -∞ to +∞. However, it is overlooked that real numbers subtly have 2 components: a natural (ℕ) number component {0, …, ∞}; and a direction (the positivity or negativity of the absolute number). Numbers vs Quantities There is a subtle but profound difference between…


A Son is Born


A poem dedicated to my beloved son, Lawrence.
