Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram


The Golden Dawn methodology for the Lesser Ritual of the Pentagram (LRP). Adjustments to the casting of the Pentagram can be made for invoking (LIRP) and banishing (LBRP):

  1. Facing East, perform the Qabalistic Cross.
  2. Facing East, cast a Pentagram of Earth; call “Yod Heh Vav Heh“.
  3. Facing South, cast a Pentagram of Earth; call “A-do-nai“.
  4. Facing West, cast a Pentagram of Earth; call “Ah-heh-yeh“.
  5. Facing North, cast a Pentagram of Earth; call “Ah-go-lah“.
  6. Facing East, form a Corpus Cross.
  7. Within the 4 Earth Pentagrams, between the Archangels pray:
    Before me Raphael; Behind me Gabriel; On my right hand Michael; On my left hand Auriel; Before me flames the Pentagram; Behind me shines the Six-Rayed Star.
  8. Reperform the Qabalistic Cross.

The Qabalistic Cross

  1. Point your weapon above the head from the Highest Divinity.
  2. Bring down your weapon, touch your forehead, sing “Ateh” (Unto Thee).
  3. Touch your Solar Plexus, sing “Malkuth” (The Kingdom).
  4. A vertical line of light now extends through your body to Malkuth.
  5. Touch your right shoulder, sing “ve-Geburah” (and the Power).
  6. Touch your left shoulder, sing “ve-Gedulah” (and the Glory).
  7. A horizontal line of light now extends across your body.
  8. A shining Qabalistic cross is complete through and across the body.
  9. Clasp hands over the breast, sing “le-Olahm, Amen” (To the Ages, Amen).

Casting the Pentagram

  1. Trace a Pentagram (Invoking: Anticlockwise from the Spirit Ray; Banishing: Clockwise from the Earth Ray).
  2. Penetrate the center with your device and make the relevant Call.
