Forms are Fundamental
Sub-atomic particles are a substrate, a means to ends. The ends are the Platonic Forms which represent the will of a monad. The will is descriptive of desired Forms. Thus, forms are the fundamental building blocks of the universe. It is a mistake to assume that scale, or simplicity is necessarily correlated with fundamentalism. If a phenomena is dissected into its composite mechanisms, it has merely been described the way in which the substrate has achieved the ends, the desired form. The form is fundamental, because it exists whether or not that particular substrate exists.
When you sculpt a sculpture, drive a vehicle, produce a spreadsheet, or paint a wall, you are acting to produce a desired Platonic Form. Your desire may exist in the conscious or sub-conscious realm, but it is nevertheless a desire. The materialist will regard the painted wall as a product of a wall being laced with pigment from the actions of a biological robot. This is an inversion. It is rather the painted wall that is fundamental. The pigment, the plaster, and the biological robot are means to that end. The body which picks up a paintbrush and draws strokes across the wall are simply the best means to the end of the wall. It would be entirely possible, but unlikely, for the monad whom desired the painted wall, to sit and wait for it to occur by other means. Thus the body is simply a means to the end, a gift by which the monad can achieve a desired ends. The body is the will encapsulated to achieve its desires in the greater scheme of creation.