A Son is Born
Dedicated to my beloved son, Lawrence.
When a Son is born
He carries the heart of his Father
Changes his world and gives him purpose
Propels his Will thereafter
When a Son is born
He carries the blood of his Mother
Enlightens her and enlivens her
As she holds him there is no other
Your soft skin and little fingers
Your loud but little laughs
While we whispered and sang and fed you
And gave you little baths
Those glassy eyes and needy cries
Gave us all that we could need
For among long days and sleepless nights
It was all that we could heed
As the book of Wisdom tells us
King David promised a gift
We hope that when that time comes by
That you’re as high as we could lift
As the book of Wisdom tells us
Of mourning and feeling low
Knowing that we always love you
Should keep your heart a-glow
As the tides of Nature’s grace
Was to bless our life with you
We trust Her infinite plan
When this blessed life is due
For Nature’s purpose is such that
A Son will become a man
That yours will be loved as you were
When a Son is Born again