Distance is an Epiphenomena of Matter Waves


The spatial dimensions are often taken for granted, with matter waves assumed to be propagating “within” space. It is already widely accepted that mundane effects of atomic structures and chemistry are the products of Matter Waves as governed by the Schrödinger Equation. However, it is also widely accepted that exotic effects of reflection, refraction are also governed by the Schrödinger Equation, albeit by more complicated path integrals.

So, it should be that Matter Waves (or more generalised as Reality Waves) are the First Cause of space itself. That is, the magnitudes of probability are not travelling “through” space, but space is rather a product of the waves themselves. Better expressed, our sensation of distance and space is a product of the x variable and the associated magnitude of the Matter Wave. Objects appear further away not because they are necessarily positioned “anywhere” in spatial dimensions, but rather, because the probability of their position (and propagation regulated by time) is rather muted, as predicted by the Schrödinger Equation.

So, there is no distance or space at all, but rather, a decreasing probability of the vicinity of objects. To take an example to the extreme, you could imagine that the very meaning of space itself would cease to exist if a particle’s probability density were heavily distributed over x at human scale. Space would cease to be meaningful.

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